Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tactical Squad Continued

Despite busy schedules, I've still been finding small amounts of time for more painting, and taking a couple of really bad photos. As usual, they don't do the actual model justice, but they do give a sense of how things are shaping up.

Since the last post, the backpacks have been sprayed and highlighted and just need some final detail work to polish them off. They didn't require any shading steps in the end, but I was very careful with the layering stages. So the next batch of models will most likely use less of the Carroburg Crimson wash: it will be used more selectively in future, and not applied quite so liberally.

I ended up continuing on through one model to get him mostly assembled, just to serve as inspiration for getting the others done too. Small items such as grenades, pouches, combat knives, or purity seals may be added later. In particular, the left pauldron needs something to cover up a defect (it was one of the original ones made).

There's not too much to say on the current state of the model that hasn't been covered before. A couple of things to mention however are that the Agrax over the cord on right vambrace provides kind of "self shadowing" and edge definition that makes it stand out against the armour quite well. The other note is on the boltgun strap.

The boltgun strap I didn't want to be just brown, although that should definitely be its base colour. The problem with using only brown shades though is that I didn't think it would fit the type of material a strap should be. So in the end:
  • Rhinox Hide (base)
  • Screamer Pink (layer) (just to give that hint of shiny leather look)
  • Agrax Earthshade (wash)
  • Gorthor Brown (layer highlight - very fine lines along the edges)
  • Lamentor's Yellow (glaze)
The final glaze is only a very subtle effect, barely noticeable, and was only done for an experiment, but the end result is good enough that I'll probably stick to it in future.

The next post, whenever it may be, will probably feature the finished 5-man squad. So it could be a little while.

-- silly painter.