Thursday, July 26, 2018

Primaris Blood Angel (Continued)

Not much further done on Horus yet, and very little painting in general, but one out of the five Primaris Marines is painted enough to be fully assembled. Still a lot to go, but moving onto the second now. Just painting each enough to fully assemble, then finish all five at once.
Looking at something interesting.
The snap together models (well, non-posable at any rate) have given the designers a chance to make some very good poses and action stances for these models. Some chapter icons would have been nice, but maybe they're very new.

A proper camera definitely helps in taking photos. The colours show much better, though I'm still trying to get the focus right.

Chest eagle is the usual now for "black" wings: Black, Dark Reaper, Russ Grey. Shoulder pad trim only has a thin Eshin Grey edge highlight, though I'll add Dawnstone at a later date more selectively. The same goes for the gun casing. Not shown, but pouches attached to the belt also have Eshin Grey highlights, but that's given in a drybrush style to make it look more like worn leather rather than hard armour plating.

There's not enough contrast on the armour highlights, so I'll look to increase that with the next one. This guy is obviously more in shadow than the others will be.

Overall though, Primaris Marines are definitely much easier to work with, mostly due to their increased size. Hopefully this will allow me to move back to "old" marines much easier later on once I'm more experienced with the airbrush.

-- silly painter.