Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Horus Base WIP #2

Some work has actually be done on Horus' base. It's painfully slow, but worth the effort really. Seen below, there's still a lot to be done. I think I've also taken the marbling a little too far, and it needs to be brought back in places. I'm considering dabbing at it in places with a drybrush just to soften some of the harder lines, and may well continue to tweak the stairs right up until the entire model is finished.

Step by step.

Marbling was done by:

  • Seraphim Sepia, to add some basic shading to the steps.
  • Agrax Earthshade to draw out lines.
  • Fuegan Orange to deepen the colour in a few places.
  • Seraphim Sepia again to blend a few colours together.
  • Karak Stone to pull back some of the worst mistakes (a job that will be ongoing!).
  • Ushabti Bone to add some edge highlighting.

The eagle has only had some Drakenhof Nightshade applied sparingly, but the idea is continue to add some more contrast using the same method. Some very light lines might be added, but the eagle should more more of a white marble, and looking at statues there aren't actually streaks threading through most of them. So the marbling will only be very soft in this case.

After doing a bit more on the eagle and stairs, I'll likely start on Horus himself next. The base won't be completely finished first - that will be done at the end, to make sure that Horus and the base tie in together harmoniously.

-- silly painter.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

World Eater (Finished)

Fred went to extremes to open bottles of tomato sauce.
 Well, there he is. World Eater in his crazed appearance, complete with blood stains on the chainsword. I decided not to go overboard with copious amounts of blood everywhere on the model, as it would serve no other purpose than to distract from the model itself.

Something about that being a knife...
Not much was actually done since last time. Mostly just getting the metallics sorted. The base ended up being Astrogranite with Drakenhof Nightshade, a bit of Agrax Earthshade, and a little Nuln Oil in places, e.g around the feet. A bit of drybrushing with different blue hues (forget which now, but Stormfang was in there), and that's it really. A blue hue is my go-to for urban rubble, and just makes it a little more interesting than shades of grey.

Thanks go out to Matt for the use of his camera. I must get myself something decent soon.

-- silly painter.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

World Eater WIP #1

You! Over there!
 World Eater work in progress, just as a side distraction. As a white base, this was where the airbrush fell down. Just too grainy, but I do think that's the paint.

The blue is worth mentioning properly here:

  • The Fang (base coat)
  • Calgar Blue (layer highlight)
  • Guilliman Blue (glaze to help tie things together)
  • Drakenhof Nightshade (wash, to darken a few areas)

The model could possibly use with another highlight colour to create more contrast, but it's good enough as it is, and shouldn't go about stealing the focus away from the head.
Shoulder pad trim was:

  • Balthasar Gold (base)
  • Sycorax Bronze (layer)
  • Skullcrusher Brass (layer, minimal highlight)

And you too! Over there!
Nuln Oil has been used in a few places to bring out the edges of armour, being careful not to overlay the white. A bit of Ulthuan Grey was used to tidy up mistakes, just because it seemed a better fit over White Scar.
Eye lenses were:

  • Khorne Red (obviously)
  • Wazdakka Red (layer)
  • Wild Rider Red (layer, highlight)
  • Carroburg Crimson (wash, to darken around the edges some more)
  • White Scar (layer, dot on the lens to look like a reflection)

Still got some metallic highlights to go, need to play around with the black components, and a knife holster on the backpack, but then the model is basically done. Not sure if I'll add scratches on the armour, but there will have to be splashes of blood about because....World Eater.

-- silly painter.