Monday, March 13, 2017

Still About

A very quick note that I'm still about, and occasionally finding time to pick up the brush. The base for Horus is still being worked on, but is looking quite marble-y with the simple addition of very thing coats of Seraphim Sepia over the steps, and Drakenhof Nightshade on the eagle.

World Eater (pre-Heresy) have a white/blue colour scheme going on, but I want it to be different to other blues. It seems like it should be more of muted than Ultramarines, but not quite as grey as the Space Wolves. So I've gone for a base coat of the Fang on the shoulder pads, and will highlight that with a blue layer paint later (undecided which one yet, though Thunderhawk Blue is very tempting).

Some problems getting photos right now, but hopefully that will be sorted soon enough.

Airbrush work deserves another post, but suffice to say that they really cut down on time - but only if you get the mix right, and white can spatter horribly.

-- silly painter.,