Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lizardmen Shield

Shorter post today, mostly because sleep beckons.

I wanted a red-brown look for the shield. I'm not sure what it would be made from, but I wanted a slight red tone to contrast against the mounts. With some playing around, the following was done:
  • Mournfang Brown (base)
  • Carroburg Crimson (wash) (note: at this point, I quite liked the look - I just messed up the next step)
  • Terminatus Stone (drybrush) (applied too much, darn)
  • Carroburg Crimson (wash) (tried to tone it back, didn't quite work)
  • Skrag Brown (layer) (thin coat on the raised areas, still a little too brown for my liking)
  • Mephiston Red (base, thinned down to glaze consistency) (thin coat on the raised areas, just to make it more red).
The messed up drybrushing stage was recovered from, and probably did help to lighten up the raised areas. In future, just doing that directly after the base, followed by the Carroburg wash, would probably be sufficient.

-- silly painter.