Sunday, November 29, 2015

Grey Knight, Blood Angel Chaplain, Captain Karlaen

Having finished a few models, it's time to think of what to start painting next. There are still seven Lizardmen riders to get painted up, but for now it's back to the basics: Space Marines. Painting three models at a time appears to be a good number for now, so I've chosen some that are interesting, but also keep the colour schemes different.


Legs away.
 I've actually had this model sitting on the desk for a while, mostly with the base coat and highlights done on the armour. The final edge highlight is still missing, but I've started to fill in some detail now.
The NMM attempt on the right leg detail didn't really turn out, but still looks acceptable. I judged normal gold paints to be too dull, and wanted a bit more pop - the tiny white highlights and yellow edging does this.
The pteruges had no actual black base paint applied. Instead:
  • Kantor Blue (base)
  • Dark Repear (layer) highlight
  • Thunderhawk Blue (layer) edge highlight
  • Nuln Oil (shade) (x2) to make it very dark
This gives a good "black", but with blue/grey hints to the highlights. The photo, as usual, isn't the greatest, but it gives a kind of leather feel to it. I intend to do something different for the cape.
To blow my own horn, I'm definitely improving when it comes to painting blood drop shaped gems.

Blood Angels Chaplain

Hop to it!
 New model, just released. It looks pretty damned awesome, so I just have to give it a go. In case anyone is wondering why a leg is missing, it's just so that I have easier access to painting some of the detail. As with all models I do paint now, I only assemble when it won't interfere with painting each component.
I'll likely stick to the GW colour scheme for the most part. I really like it, so no need to change it much.

Grey Knight

Let's dance.
I've had these guys waiting patiently for some time now. I figured that I'd go back to metallic paints again, after all that was learned from the Sanguinary Guard. Still not sure exactly what I'll do, but the inset writing has been done before anything else, just because otherwise it'd be difficult not to mess up the surrounding areas.
The writing was done fairly easily with:
  • Retributor Armour (base)
  • Seraphim Sepia (shade)
  • Sigmarite (dry)
I'm not convinced that drybrushing is best in this case, so I might try Retributor Gold after the base, and simply apply a shade later. The shade really works well in this case, as provides an excellent contrast to the lettering, allowing it all to be read quite easily.
Grey Knights are interesting to paint, as they're typically given a blue hint to their armour. I'm not sure how I'll go about that yet - possibly using Drakenhof Nightshade will be sufficient. I'll have to experiment.

-- silly painter.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Model Roundup

Charge! To biscuits!
 Well, ok, it's not entirely finished. The base still needs to be done. Otherwise, the rider and his steed are now as one. Not much to say at this point - the golden headdress was just playing with several of the metallic paints. I should probably take a couple more photos at some point, perhaps once the base has been done.

Put the cookie down.
 The Stormcast Eternal was pretty interesting to paint. A lot of work to get a dark blue going (hint: multiple washes of Nuln Oil) but I'm overall happy with the colour scheme. The base still needs a bit of work as well - stones, maybe some patchy grass. I'll deal with that at a later time. I'm not likely to get onto more of these just yet; the intention was to determine a colour scheme, and later paint more using an airbrush (whenever I get one).
I attempted to give the shield a bit more emphasis by trying to paint some clouds at the bottom, tying in to the lightning bolts coming out of the hammer. It works ok, but I need a lot of practice on painting clouds!

You will give me chocolates.
The Skink Priest is now done, including the base. Actually, the base only took about 10 minutes. It was just Zandri Dust, with differing washes (Agrax was in there, but also Athonian Camoshade, and possibly something else). A bit of messing about with drybrushing (honestly can't recall which colours I used, maybe Underhive Ash, Tyrant Skull, and a light dabbing of Praxeti White in places). Being exact wasn't the point - weathered stone looks more real I find if you don't pay attention and just play around with a few things. I tried to have more Athonian Camoshade show through in cracks and recesses, just to show moss and lichen growing there. It really didn't take long to do it all, and yet gives a very jungle-stone appearance.

Not sure what's next, but it's likely to be back to a terminator of some description.

-- silly painter.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Skink Priest WIP

The bling is strong with this one.
Not yet finished, but not much left until the skink priest is complete. I'm going to try for a blue glow effect on the outstretched hand, as if the skink is conjuring some magic. The eyes are also blue, to match and give a magic feel about the model. Either that, or it's possessed by a Goa'uld.

I'm quite happy with how this model is turning out. It's mostly been an exploration of contrasting colours; green gems and tips of the feathers/leaves (whichever) contrasting against the red flesh, with hints of blue just for balance. Gold because Lizardmen.

Subtlety makes this character. The white dots of the gems (my first square shaped ones), the gold highlights, it's just been fun to paint. I'm also pleased with the snout - the lighter tone there was to give an impression of age originally, but it also draws attention to the face.

At any rate, another afternoon or two and the main model is done, and the base will hopefully follow soon after.

-- silly painter.