Thursday, March 31, 2016

Captain Karlaen (Done)

Unimpressed with damage to his halo.
Another very quick post, just to round off this model. The NMM on the "wing" of the hammer turned out rather well, and is very simple to do.
  • Averland Sunset (base).
  • Druchii Violet (shade).
  • Yriel Yellow (layer, use Lahmian Medium to thin it down). Applied to the outer edges. If the shade is too dark, then a very thin layer of Averland Sunset can be applied before this stage.
  • White Scar (layer, again thinned down). Just added to the tips, with an extra layer / dot on the very tip.
That's it really. It's not difficult, it's just a matter of thin layers (as just about everything I do is).

The hair was a mix of browns and yellows, and sort of "striped" on. I tried to make it a little darker near where the part in the hair would be, just to give it a bit of depth.

The model is on display at the local GW store (or Warhammer store as it's called now). I may put on a replacement halo one day, as I still haven't found the one that broke off the ornamental cup on the back of his armour.

-- silly painter.

XVIII Legion - Salamanders (Done)

This is a bit of a shorter post, just to show off the model.

Light it up.

The model followed Painting Buddha's ( guidelines for an Ultramarine, but applied to a Salamander.
And no, not the greatest picture. I'm also aware that the shoulder pads should be black, but that wouldn't show off sourced lighting from the flamer as well. On that subject, this model is definitely worth getting setup with a proper camera for one day, simply to show it off a bit. The lighting really worked well, and the glow of the eye lenses (or reflection of a pretend flame) give this Marine a true presence on any table.

I will likely hand paint legion symbols one day, but that's for later - to do so before I'm much better at that would simply ruin things. Or it's from before their Primarch was found.

Note the battle damage around the feet. There's more on the shoulder pads, and a few other areas. That really worked nicely, and was just so incredibly easy to do. Watch the Painting Buddha videos for how that's done, and also help their crowd funding efforts if you can.

-- silly painter.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Captain Karlaen WIP #2

Ok, so it's been a little while. Ooops. New job, fair bit of other things going on, and I simply never got around to putting up a few things.

The Salamander is actually finished, so I should do another post on that model soon.

Today is a much shorter post than usual, just something for record keeping before I mess it up.
"Give me a cookie!"
There's not much new to how I did skin tones long ago for one of the Death Company, just better brushes now. The photo, as usual, is not the greatest, particularly because it's a camera phone zoomed in, but overall the quality survived ok. The usual hint of red for lips, some white for teeth, and playing with various shades for the skin tones.

As with the Lizardmen (which still need to be finished!), having different coloured skin tones for each model will make them look more natural when placed together. So the key really is just to play around with the paints a bit and not to plan it all ahead.

The eyebrow needs a bit of work, perhaps just a thin lighter line. Karlaen, as is typical for many Blood Angels, will have lighter hair. The next time I do a face however, I might go with black hair, just because it looks fairly ok here.

-- silly painter.