Sunday, November 29, 2020

Necron NMM - Part III


Fresh from slumber and ready to shine.

Mostly working keeping me busy, but managed to finish the basic copper armour of this little Necron. Some of it I'm happy with, some I'm not. Nothing wrong with that because I learned quite a lot in the process.

Starting with areas that worked: the hands, the right foot, the pelvis worked ok, the left arm is mostly ok as well. Most of this has something in common: the brightest edge highlights are next to the darkest colour used, giving extreme contrast and the impression of reflection.

The areas that didn't work so well: the chest, legs, and the back carapace was a bit hit & miss. The colours blend together very well, no problems there, but how to apply the contrasting lines needs a lot of practice. I don't really have a feel for it on larger surfaces yet.

I'll continue with some extras on the endoskeleton, possibly using more of a teal colour. I definitely don't want it to stand out too much against the copper, so I might keep it to a darker tone. I'm undecided about the weapon.

-- silly painter.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Necron NMM - Part II


Copper a load of this.

After quite the extended time from painting for personal reasons, slowly getting back at it. It will take a bit longer to start posting regularly again, but at least there's a tiny bit of progress on the Necron.

This step shows the Mournfang Brown and Doombull Brown applied to the main body, which doesn't yet show much of what the final result will be. The latter brown is fairly subtle at this stage, but such subtleties build up.

Hopefully another couple of photos in the coming days to show the progression towards the appearance of the head. I'm not sure if the end result will be quite how I want it - in fact I'm almost certain it won't be, but have to start somewhere with NMM, and a single model like this is a great practice piece. Wouldn't want to do an entire army in this way though.

-- silly painter.