Not sure how the rider really sees. |
The rider was done in two weeks. Must be a record for me. Drybrushing was the key to that, but also knowing how I wanted to do everything helped. I could just paint each component and not think overly much about how to paint it.
A couple of interesting notes though: some of the new gloss washes were used, which really to help with metallics. Just saves a lot of messing about trying to keep the metal sheen while still trying to shade and highlight it. I would have liked a Seraphim Sepia version, but perhaps Games Workshop will release that later on.
The spear shaft I also ran some drybrushing along to simulate the grain of wood. Dryad Bark was used for the base colour, with Sylvaneth Bark and Golgfag Brown drybrushed over the top of that, and a coat of Agrax Earthshade wash used to tie it all together a bit more. Fairly subtle, but it works.
...and my axe! |
The second model for today is the recently released Legion Praetor Tribune; a special weekend model. The original holds a glaive, but what made me decide to work on this model now was inspiration to replace the blade with an axe head. I had one left over from the Sanguinary Guard sprue, and I personally think it makes the model look much more powerful. This also marks the first time I've tried pinning (small metal rod to hold pieces together). Fortunately I drilled holes correctly aligned the first go, so it fit together quite nicely. The benefit of pinning here is that the axe head won't break off quite so easily - something I was concerned with if I had just glued it on. Much more solid now and I don't have to be quite so delicate in handling the model during painting.
So I guess it's back to red armour while I finish off the Lizardmen (6 more to go!).
-- silly painter.