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Showing off a pointy stick. |
The weapon head, beneath the blade, is metallics of course. I didn't want gold, simply because enough of that is on the armour, but a metal of some kind to give it an old yet practical feel. With inspiration from steampunk (no, really) I settled on more of a brass or bronze feel. In the end:
- Balthasar Gold
- Reikland Fleshshade (Gloss)
- Runelord Brass
- Sycorax Bronze
A bit of Nuln Oil (Gloss) on the blade was applied as well. The gloss shades are good for metallic paints, but care has to be taken with them: they have a nasty habit of pooling in the deeper creases and ending up very shiny. Might have to investigate ways of lessening that in future.
Most of the books are done simply enough with Mournfang Brown on the "cover", with Wazdakka Red on the corners. Most of the books are so small with very little of the cover showing that no highlighting or shading is necessary there.
The pages are:
- Rakarth Flesh
- Agrax Earthshade
- Screaming Skull
- Pallid Wych Flesh
Edging of the besagew is:
- Balthasar Gold
- Gehenna's Gold
- Auric Armour Gold
What I classify as a bit of a oldie (from having used it on the Sanguinary Guard), but effective. It can be good to not use the same gold on everything. Not shown above (not that that model in particular has this anyway), but the besagew pattern is replicated in gold and black on the right shoulder pad. Same gold is used there. However, for the besagew itself, the white area is:
- Celestra Grey
- Nuln Oil
- Ulthuan Grey
with the red area:
- Mephiston Red
- Carroburg Crimson
- Wazdakka Red
I purposefully use subtle different reds here just to keep things distinct from the Blood Angels.
The black casing of the storm bolters will probably have highlights using Skavenblight Dinge and Stormvermin Fur, and is likely to be done next. Blades behind books will be standard silvers, with possibly a Liberator Gold pommel. Otherwise, there's a lot of details to be sorted out across the Grey Knights. Wonderful sculpts, but it takes time to consider how each individual piece of detail is going to be done.
A few other random notes:
Fulgrum Pink was bought and used as very tiny spot highlights on purity seals. It just makes the "wax" stand out some more, and helps it look glossy.
I rather suspect that given enough time, the springs inside of the Citadel painting handles will stretch. I don't take the models out much, but they definitely have loosed up a little when I do. Still, it hasn't affected how well it holds the models so far.
Layer brushes have been tweaked a little bit. They hold water much better somehow now, and have much more pointed tips than the last time I looked (which has been a little while). My old small layer brush is starting to look a little worse for wear, and isn't as effective for details anymore. It has lasted amazingly well though, and I do still use it for some areas.
Guess that's about all for now. Hoping to have the Grey Knights done within a week. Just want to get the finished really.
-- silly painter.
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