Saturday, July 6, 2024

Assault Intercessor with Jump Pack - Part V


Just don't ask where the extra mag was hidden.

Too long since the last update, mostly because continuous work, but thought it's a struggle I have been progressing ever so slowly with the jump pack guys. Despite some more being done however, this isn't likely to be a long post - there's nothing too interesting that hasn't been covered before.

Painting ten at a time has been both as benefit and a downside: one paint over ten models is easy, and once started it's going to mean all ten progress at the same pace. I don't need to switch out paints, I can just go to the wet palette throughout the day whenever I get a spare minute and continue straight away. The downside is that there are ten, and it's kind of demotivating for every small step being done across them all. I sometimes only get literally one minute to do something, and I might not bother when thinking about all ten that need doing.

Despite everything, I've managed to almost get them ready for the final varnish phase. There are some small details that separate out each model, and a round of edge highlighting yet to be done on the red. The smaller details can be the worst, and to speed things up I'm trying for a three-paint approach: I'll not use several paints to get it just right, but blend, glaze, and mix between three (or even just two, if one is a wash). Details are small, and there's not a whole lot of difference in the end result. For armour scroll patterns I have about 5 paints across 6 steps, but here I just did a base coat, wash, and mixed the base coat with the final highlight colour and glazed as I felt like it - a much, much faster approach with a nearly identical end result for something of this size.

Space Marines can jump.

The jump pack glow took a very long time because I didn't just reduce it to three paints, using instead about seven. It's painstaking work, and took three days to get done across the models (using minutes where I could). I might have the models finished were I not being so pedantic, but in this particular case I wanted the practice. I've also managed to get similar done for Dante while I was at it, so it's actually eleven jump packs that I managed.

I could have left things there, but purity seals were lacking and I added one to almost every model. The Intercessors didn't feel complete without them, so I took some time to paint them up - however as they were still separate from the models I took the opportunity to use a rubber clamp to line them all up and paint them more easily than dancing about the model itself.

The bases are done, with some added skulls painted rather crudely, and now all that's left are some wrist computer buttons (simple silver with a technical paint over the top should be sufficient), spend a week edge highlighting the red, varnish, metallic highlights, and any final armour edge highlights. It is still quite a lot, and I'm guessing two weeks before it's all wrapped up.

-- silly painter.