Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Assault Intercessor with Jump Pack - Part IV


Hard to walk straight when you can't see.

Very quiet on the paint front recently, however I've been trying to have at least a little slow progress even so. This is an opportunity to find ways of continuing to paint up models with the least effort possible at any one given time.

Batch painting is difficult for myself, however with limited time each day there is one approach I can use: keep a single paint on the palette and use that across multiple models whenever I get the chance. This setup means I don't need to do much layering, mixing, or otherwise switching between colours - it's really just put it to one side and pick up the brush when I have a few spare minutes. As such, I've been very slowly getting through all of the jump pack models and finally have all the actual jump packs glued into place.

One of my long standing gripes about painting over gloss varnish has been the difficulty in coverage of metallics. Most metallics cover better over a black undercoat, so I started to block in with my usual blacks when I decided to try out Black Legion. It's a Contrast paint, but actually has very good coverage and seems to apply quite well over the varnish. A massive time saver in the end - just paint it over the black areas and if necessary a thin second coat. I'll still highlight later, but it was much quicker than Abaddon Black (which I still find invaluable as a kind of glaze) at blocking everything in. Ideally I should also have filled in some areas of the backpacks too, but I realised that too late and I've already moved to filling in metallics by now.

I did try mixing Black Legion with Carroburg Crimson to darken some of the panel lining, but I didn't like the result. I find a couple of pin shades of pure Carroburg Crimson is better to my liking.

Not seen in the photo, I've made them another squad for the 3rd Company, and will probably make the right knee pad a red cross on a yellow background. The problem for the 3rd Company symbol is that there are relatively few white decals available, so I used yellow ones and painted over them with Corax White. Despite the name, this is actually a very bright grey, but looks white compared to the rest of the model and still allows somewhere to go for other highlights or reflection points.

There's still quite a lot to go on these models, but once some select areas of the jump packs are filled in then I can glue the helmets in place. Not long after I can probably attach holsters, and then it's "just" highlights and final details (and maybe purity seals). I'm intending to still edge highlight the red with Evil Sunz Scarlet before the matt varnish, and then Wild Rider Red after that as necessary. Is this going overboard for standard troops? Almost certainly, but lends itself well to the method of painting I'm being forced to do right now and lets me fix where the airbrushing wasn't as bright as I'd liked.

-- silly painter.

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