Wednesday, September 18, 2024

More Misfortune

 The next animation dropped today, and as I feared: woke through & through. Girlboss soldier who is more moral and upstanding than any male counterpart, saves the day, better in battle than any other, etc etc etc. I was going to write that the Commissar would be mentally broken in battle and the girlboss would have to save him, but they made the Commissar broken _before_ the battle (during which, of course, the girlboss has to save him).

Enough of the Cadians everywhere. That's pure narrative laziness at this point. Try be more original.

Enough of every single damned 'hero' character being a girlboss. Iron Within? Girlboss in charge and better than anyone else. Broken Lance? Girlboss in charge and better than anyone else, naturally has to put down a failed male character. The Tithes? Even the Astartes-centric story was female in charge of Cadians. The others had female in every single position of power, without fail. Tech-adept female, psykers female, in-charge soldiers female - but the problem is female and always bossing around, putting down, and showing up male characters. Every single time. Even the Commissar mentions being a burden to his mother: not his parents, specifically his mother. 

The forced ideology is painfully obvious, and it's ruining the entire franchise. I see the new Kill Team models and immediately they show of course: female girlboss in charge of everything. Does the kit come with options? Near as I can tell, yes, but I can't see the kit without thinking of that now, without thinking of the animations, the ideology being bludgeoned into everything and the massive attempts at indoctrination. The grimdark setting is supposed to be a parody of such things, not an instruction manual. I don't see the setting, the parody, or even the hobby.

It's all just so unnecessary too. Games Workshop was handling diversity just fine a few years ago. Diversity does not mean "gender swap some leader and try to put down men at every opportunity". That's just pure bigotry, hatred, and sexism. Just make a good character instead, focus on a good story, and people will barely notice any diversity at all.

So I've cancelled my WH+ subscription. I'm suddenly no longer interested in the new Sanguinary Guard, even for kitbashing purposes. Or the new Blood Angels Captain. Or much of any new 40k models at all outside of Lemartes and Astorath. I'm going to just start pulling back from 40k entirely now, because all I see is agenda everywhere, and I shouldn't need to battle just to enjoy the hobby. 30k and Imperialis fortunately remain....for now.

Does this one person matter? No, not likely. To repeat: it's not diversity I mind, it's the constant being lectured to that I mind. I'm simply stepping away until that nonsense fades. I'm hoping it will, but not expecting it anytime soon. To anyone thinking "no great loss", or "glad to see you go if you think that" then just remember: the more people stay away because of this, the less of the hobby there will be. It's a hobby to enjoy, not a platform to preach, and if people start leaving because that's no longer the case, then it's not a going to be a hobby anymore, and won't be entertaining.

In the meantime, I have plenty in my backlog to paint up. So I guess there's a silver lining: not spending money on new models.

-- silly painter

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