Could just be turtling. |
The Sanguinary Priest is coming along, but nowhere near where I had hoped to be by now. It's all the little details really - figuring out how to paint them takes a hefty amount of time.
Oh, and the picture is a little blurred. Rushed the photo, didn't accurately focus the camera.
The metallics are the normal, mostly. Balthasar Gold, Gehenna's Gold, Auric Armour Gold. Shoulder pads have some Agrax Earthshade (gloss) on the wings, which actually works ok. I wanted something different than Druchii Violet, for no particular reason. A little Carroburg Crimson for ornamental chalice handles, but that's not very visible. It was just to give them a little extra colour.
Corvus Black definitely works as an excellent base to highlight from, normally by using Eshin Grey. The more traditional black can then still be used very thinly to darken as required. Need to keep that in mind for future Death Company marines, but the more immediate use will probably be boltgun casings.
Another note is that after continuing with Corax White, and a contrast paint of Apothecary White, this works quite well. It's probably very suitable for future painting of wings (again, something Death Company will have), though perhaps I would mix in just a touch of a blue. The final contrast leaves a colour similar enough to Grey Seer in recesses, and Ulthuan Grey on raised areas, so each of these can be used to fix mistakes later on.
A note on blood in vials: techical paint (Blood for the Blood God) works as a base, but I finally figured out how to create a "level" of blood (i.e the capsule/vial/whatever isn't entirely full): a very thin line of red mixed with white, running along the "top". It really only works for side-on views, but for that it works really well. Perhaps later I'll show this with a photo of the back of the model.
There's a very small strip of rope wrapped around the top of the flask, hanging from the left hip. A minor detail, but excellent to continue experimenting with to get that golden rope appearance. I'm a bit further with that, using:
- Steel Legion Drab
- Balor Brown
- Agrax Earthshade
- Tau Light Ochre
It could use a little brightening still, but I think it works better than my usual approach of basing with Averland Sunset. Perhaps a glaze of Lamenters Yellow, but I'll hold off on testing that until I find something larger to play around with.
Not shown in the photo, but the green vial on the backpack (presumably some kind of combat drug cocktail) ended up as:
- Caliban Green
- Vulkan Green
- Kabalite Green
- Kabalite Green / Ulthuan Grey (tiny mix to use as the "level" in the vial).
Rather than try to show the "empty" space in the vial any other way, that was left as pure Caliban Green showing. It's quite a dark paint, so there's no need to do anything else. Only the "filled" space received highlight colours. While somewhat more muted in tone than the neon show in the reference photos, it still gives an excellent contrast to the red elsewhere on the model.
Not much else to say other than new tools that I've been playing around with. I'm getting better at using a wet palette, which really helps to layer blend. Paints don't dry as fast (or at all), and so some mixing can be done to really speed the process up.
Another little tool recently released is the Citadel paint pot holder. Basically a bit of rubber that can hold pots and prevent them from accidentally being knocked over. Invaluable when using shades and contrast paints. It's also useful to stabilise a pot when trying to remove dried paint from a lid. Much easier and faster to use than a 3d printed alternative I have, I can highly recommend getting one.
Final note: I've been slowing doing little bits & pieces of Horus. I'd hoped to have one arm glued on by now, but keep delaying it. Not long though, and I'll prepare better photos then.
Still looking for his armies. |
-- silly painter.