Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wight King (Showcase)


Really wanted to be an opera singer.

This model was very fun to paint. Lots of character, not too difficult, detailed enough to stand out, and can fit nicely within my Hero Quest side project.

Models such as this are where Contrast paints really come into their own. The usual black primer was followed by a kind of zenithal coat of Wraithbone spray from above. It was perhaps heavier than I intended, but worked well enough.

The cloak is just Nighthaunt Gloom. The red clothing is Blood Angels Red, with a little bit of Wraithbone mixed into a red on the palette for additional highlighting purposes. The fur is Gore-Grunta Fur, with a little Agrax Earthshade in a few places, and a bit of Skag Brown mixed with Wraithbone to drybrush over the top.

The chainmail is a mix of browns, blacks, reds, whatever was hanging about to give some non-uniform appearance, then drybrushed with Iron Warriors, and a bit of Stormhost Silver after the usual varnish step.

The armour plates started off with Runelord Brass, and then shaded or highlighted as necessary with Iron Warriors in a kind of dabbing motion with an old brush. This was followed by Ironbreaker in some areas, with edges given over to Canoptek Alloy. A few dots of Skeleton Horde Contrast (which of course was also used on the skeletal areas) for rust, and pretty much done.

The sword, which isn't very well seen in the photo, started as a base of Iron Warriors, with some Leadbelcher over that to help define shape. Typhus Corrosion was then dabbed on, followed by Leadbelcher (again in a dabbing motion), and finally Stormhost Silver using the same technique. By making the dabbing random and overlapping it gives a worn, rusted appearance. This particular effect is something I very much want to explore further - it was incredibly simple to do, but gives an impressive result in this case.

Side note: Aethermatic Blue over Runelord Brass looks very similar to Nihilakh Oxide following the varnish step. A bit of the Canoptek Alloy over the top in a few places restores the metallic look. This was used on the sword hilt.

Last mention for this post is actually something else for stone. On the base, after a zenithal highlight, Basilicanum Grey and then drybrushed with Longbeard Grey. It may be another case of simply the small size of the area on which this was done, but for darker stone carvings I'd like to explore this further as well.

-- silly painter.

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