Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lamenters Gravis Captain - Part II


The chapter symbol all painters fear.

More progress on the Lamenters test model, now fully assembled. I'll say it right out off the bat: that chapter symbol is a nightmare to paint. I don't want to even think of trying to do that for an entire army. Self printed decals would be the only way to go, if sculpted shoulder pads were unavailable.

Make no mistake, under a magnifying glass it doesn't look very neat at all, but I'm otherwise happy with the checkers and symbol turned out, especially considering my lack of freehand expertise.

The blue winged skull details are also something that worked much better than I originally anticipated. It's a good "punchy" blue, but not a bright blue (something that would have ruined the look when compared to the more muted mustard yellow). Recipe for the blue is:

  • Nightlord Blue
  • Altdorf Blue as a first stage highlight.
  • Nuln Oil in the recessed areas.
  • Ahriman Blue as secondary highlight.

Turned out well enough that I might consider the formula for whenever I paint a Nightlords model.

I do wonder if green eye lenses wouldn't have been a better choice. They might have stood out some more, drawn more attention to the face area. The iron halo (or whatever it's intended to be) I debated painting more silver, but ultimately went with a brighter yellow that wouldn't overtake anything else for attention. Didn't really quite work, but not sure what else I might have done.

The inside of the cape was

  • Wraithbone (multiple layers to get a smooth, even finish).
  • Seraphim Sepia in all the folds, particularly the deeper recessed areas.
  • Morghast Bone, thinned, to blend in the wash staining.
  • Wraithbone again, thinned, to lighten the raised areas.
  • Screaming Skull (you guessed it) thinned to give a final highlight.

The corner details were left alone after the second step. So much of the model is already white or yellow that anything to make it stand out more would have been too much.

The model is very nearly done: a decal or two to add something in a couple of areas, varnish spray, metallics, and the power sword effect. At this point I'm still not a huge fan of Gravis armour, but I think the blue and chapter symbol have rescued this particular paint job.

-- silly painter.

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