Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Blood Angels Lieutenant (Showcase)


"Say again....he did what?!"

Another model from the Dark Imperium set done. One of the Lieutenants and a model I quite like because of the different pose and loadout to normal.

Not a whole lot to really say, as there's been nothing new in the way I paint the model. It's all been recorded before, with the sole exception of the weapon strap, which is just Snakebite Leather over Zandri Dust and a bit of Screaming Skull for wear lines on the edges.

The grass tuft has gone a bit white after the varnish spray, suggesting that I should add it after that step in future. It could use a little Agrax Earthshade to tie it to the base more, but I probably won't get around to that.

 The pistol holster (which isn't very visible) has been done in the same style as the recent Primaris Death Company, but I don't like it as much with all the red armour. In future I'll switch back to the old style for normal marines, but keep the new style for any further Death Company.

The relic storage ... thing ... could use an edge highlight as well (or a thinner Contrast coverage in future), but again I'm not likely to do that. It might draw too much attention away from the face, which turned out relatively ok if not looked at too closely.

-- silly painter.


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