Saturday, February 6, 2021

Dark Angels Tactical Squad - Part II (Showcase)


Sergeant and the "rave dance pose".

Here are the finished models of the Sturm der Vergeltung tactical squad. The other five were done long ago, but these five now join them.

This is pretty much my expected tabletop quality now for anything which isn't Blood Angels, for whom I have a method to stick with already. As noted before, the bases are not done so that eventually, one day, whenever I finish all models and sell them, someone can fit them together with the appearance of an existing army. Personally I would go with a red tinted base of some kind - Martian desert for example, or perhaps something a little less vibrant.

The head of the sergeant presented an opportunity to do something a little different than previous models I've painted: a darker skin tone. Nothing particularly fancy:

  • Dryad Bark as a base coat.
  • Druchii Violet washed over the entire head.
  • Gorthor Brown first stage highlight.
  • Cadian Flesh Tone as a very, very thin highlight, most prominently on the nose and cheek bones.
  • Mixed Dryad Bark with choose your black (Abaddon Black was on the palette at the time) and given glaze consistency to cover the top of the head, indicating a close-cropped haircut.

Definitely want more experience with painting various skin tones.

The only other item of real note is again on the sergeant, with the ornament on his backpack. The wings were done with:

  • Iron Warriors base.
  • Nuln Oil wash.
  • Grey Knights Steel thinned a little and painted along raised edges.
  • Runefang Steel as a final edge highlight.

This gives the wings a slight blue tint, differentiating them from the sword.

These models have been a good experience with darker green, which certainly a more forgiving colour than red. 

-- silly painter.

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