Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Flesh Tearers Lieutenant - Part I


Possibly not fruit flesh that he likes to tear.

Just for something slightly different, because I already have Tolmeron painted in a similar pose for Blood Angels, I went with a Flesh Tearer for one of the Dark Imperium Primaris Lieutenants. I get to play with some different reds, and he still fits in with the rest of the army as a kind of bonus.

There was no airbrushing on this model. I wanted to practice highlighting armour again with a normal brush (and reminding myself why I always use an airbrush to save time), and also the weather hasn't been conducive to opening windows for better ventilation.

Following on from a black primer, the red armour is fairly straight forward:

  • Khorne Red on all the red areas. Two or three thin coats to make sure it's even and smooth.
  • Nuln Oil applied directly into the recessed areas.
  • Cadian Fleshtone to highlight edges. This step is done now to give a little extra brightness to the next step along the edges. It's not visible much in the end though.
  • Wazdakka Red, with a generous amount of Lahmian Medium, glazed and layered to blend highlights and smoothly as possible. This step always takes a very long time.
  • Khorne Red, also with generous amounts of Lahmian Medium (or water) to glaze over any transitions that aren't quite as smooth as I'd like.

If I really wanted to make any edges pop a bit more, I would mix Cadian Fleshtone with Wazdakka Red. I wouldn't use the former straight, just personal preference. For this model I think it would be too much however, so I'm leaving the final edge highlight step out.

Black armour is actually very similar to Horus, with one slight change because Corvus Black is much easier to highlight from:

  • Corvus Black over all black armour.
  • Dark Reaper with Lahmian Medium to glaze highlights as appropriate.
  • Russ Grey for edge highlights.
  • Corvus Black thinned down to glaze over any transitions that need to be smoothed out more.
  • Abaddon Black thinned down to help outline armour areas, or add a bit more depth to shadowed areas.

The bolt pistol casing was essentially the same, but with Eshin Grey and Dawnstone as the highlight colours. This was done just to add a little variation to the black everywhere.

The base hasn't really worked out as I wanted, which was a black marbling effect. I guess I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. In any case, I doubt I'll work on it much more - can't really think of what else to do on the base, and I don't want to get bogged down on the model.

Obviously a few details yet to go, and I'll have to freehand the chapter icon. That'll be fun.

-- silly painter.

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