Friday, February 12, 2021

Flesh Tearers Lieutenant - Part II (Showcase)


Rip. And. Tear.

With a little motivation, managed to finish the model rather quickly (for me). I skipped on a lot of the metallic highlights, mostly because I wanted them to be a more muted, a bit darker, in fitting with a Flesh Tearers disposition.

There is a little battle damage, most visible in the photo on the right kneepad, but mostly it's on the left side. I figured this was likely to see more blade scoring owing to the left hand carrying a power sword more capable of parrying and blocking blows.

The power sword itself was a simple drybrushing of Hellion Green, Skink Blue, and Etherium Blue. Power weapons are about the one thing I'm half-capable of drybrushing, and I still like the effect better than this smooth blended sheen may others use. I find the less precision of a drybrush more appealing - the weapon isn't a light-saber after all.

On the sword there's a small gem, or something. That was gradient of grey, with some contrast on top and a little white dot as a highlight point. By adjusting the usual placement of the darker edge and the white highlight point, the gem looks opaque rather than translucent. It's a small thing, but good to play with.

There was some concern that the purity seal would steal all the attention, with it being a single off-white point surrounded by darker colours, but skull icon on the helmet mostly makes up for that, so overall I'm happy enough with the end result.

I really should look into embedding a small video, or at least photos of multiple angles for the showcase posts. And maybe tweak the lighting setup for less harsh reflections.

-- silly painter.

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