Monday, February 22, 2021

Lamenters Gravis Captain - Part I


Pass the mustard.

Painting has been a little slow of late, but I have started on the last Primaris from the Dark Imperium boxed set. The captain in gravis armour I wanted to do a little different for multiple reasons and decided to give Lamenters a go.

Lamenters are predominately yellow, but more recent colour schemes for them depict more of mustard yellow rather than the brighter appearance of Imperial Fists. In painting this model I've come to the conclusion that Citadel paints don't really have much appropriate in the mustard yellow range other than Averland Sunset, which makes this a most difficult model to shade and highlight. I don't think I've done a very good job in this case, but I'm also not going to start again - all fitting with the Lamenters back story I guess.

The particular colours used are also really hard to colour balance from the camera and lighting used. Expect future photos to not match this one.

Basic armour though I tried with:

  • Averland Sunset all over the armour. Multiple thin coats to get a good, even, coverage.
  • Averland Sunset / Gorthor Brown (1:1) into shadowed areas. The base and layer paints here don't like mixing, and the brown wasn't the best choice in hindsight.
  • Averland Sunset / Yriel Yellow (1:1) as a highlight colour. Yriel Yellow on its own is too bright.
  • Averland Sunset thinned down to glaze consistency to blend the above steps together a little as needed.
  • Lamenters Yellow (of course!) to saturate some raised areas very slightly. Mostly on larger surface areas. It could use a second coat of this in areas, but that might equally be too much.
  • Seraphim Sepia used as direct recess shading. This is one colour that works well with Averland Sunset; if I were to start again I would use Seraphim Sepia through the airbrush for shading, and then Agrax Earthshade in the recesses.
  • Dorn Yellow as edge highlighting. This is a very desaturated paint, very close to cream white, and worked well here.

Next steps on this model are a little annoying. The cape can't really be attached until more details are filled in, or else it gets in the way. By that time most of the model might well be done, and that's somehow demotivating. So this model might take some time, but I'll try do other models in the background to compensate.

-- silly painter.

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